I think a very easy industry to immediately connect with as far as marketing techniques is the grocery industry. These stores sell items that we absolutely need and because of this we shop at them often. With this being the case it is very easy to look past or not pay much attention to certain techniques. Often times consumers know what they are going there for and get in and out without looking around too much. Grocery stores know this and place items in particular places to gain the attention of shoppers. A specific example of a technique I know a grocery store in my home town does is that they move their products to different isles every few months. With this being the case if you once knew where an item was you not need to look around for it and are more apt to come across items you were not initially going for but may buy anyways having seen them. The idea of out of sight out of mind sets up many companies marketing techniques.
I also have noticed techniques that online companies use. Numerous online sites that I use to shop from offer free shipping on orders over a certain amount. These companies also offer a free product if you spend a certain amount. This is effective because although someone may have been done shopping they may come to realize they could get an item for 5 dollars or they could pay 5 dollars on shipping. This ultimately leads to more money the company is making considering they probably pay a fraction for shipping in comparison to what they charge.
What techniques have you noticed are most effective on your shopping habits? Do you think you are always aware of these techniques?