Thursday, February 25, 2010

In response to Ryan Berridge...

Ryan asked... " How do you see advertising changing within the next 30 years and do you believe that direct mail will still be around."

When considering direct mail, I feel as if this will always be a used method and because of this it will still be around. I feel as if there are many strategies off direct mail that allow it to be a valuable source for advertising. One major feeling I have pertaining to this use of advertising if the way it allows certain companies to relate to their customers. I think this bond and type of respect amongst employees or businesses and their customers is one that is fading quickly possibly due to e-marketing and how it has shaped the way we live today.

When considering marketing in 30 years I can only imagine how it will change. It is hard to even believe the things that are possible today. One example I read in an article recently talks about how certain shoe companies are inserting a type of chip into their shoes. This chip can then be tracked and linked to you to show companies where you are going or how much you are traveling and allow them to adjust their marketing this way. This chip can also be read by certain censors as you walk into stores in which you will then a text message will be sent to your phone which tells you of deals or discounts in the certain sections that you tend to shop in. These profiles are becoming more and more popular. With this being the case, in 30 years, I think the possibilities are endless.

What do you think of marketing for the future? Do you think new types of advertising invade privacy? Can you provide any examples of this, or what you personally do to try and avoid these profiles from being created?

Monday, February 22, 2010

Primary Data

For many businesses it is absolutely important that they understand their customers. In the process of understanding their customers they can learn valuable information. This information can be how they feel about a certain product or how it could be improved, this also could include customer suggestions as to new products the company could produce. In an effort to do this companies need to collect data. One type of data is primary data. This is data and information that comes directly from the consumers, as opposed to secondary data which comes from reports of internal and/or external sources. A way in which companies collect primary data can be through sampling, surveys, interviews, or even questionnaires. Although these methods are important for companies the can prove to be tricky to come about. In the world we live in today everything is about speed and everyone wants everything to have been done 10 minutes ago. With this being the case ways to gather this primary data can prove to be a challenge. In an effort to get this information sometimes companies will pay you or give you some sort of coupon or discount for participating. This discount can easily be made up for by the profits they receive from good feedback.

For myself, I have personally been approached by people in efforts to collect this information. I have been approached as I was walking through the mall to participate in a short interview. I have also been asked by certain websites that I use frequently to participate in short surveys. I have also been asked to fill out questionnaires. A few specific examples include the site Yahoo! which recently asked me to take a short survey. I was also approached on campus to take a short questionnaire while I was eating lunch. For me I personally found the interview to be a burden and because of this I shied away and chose not to participate. However, when it came to the survey and the questionnaire I had no problems helping out. For me I felt as if both of these were on my own time which made them more convenient. I think this directly shows how sensitive people are to types of primary data collection, and it is absolutely something that proves to be tricky to companies and something they must pay much attention to.

How do you feel about this type of data collection (primary)? What method of primary data collection do you feel is most effective in efforts to get your attention, why so? Or do you feel as if more attention should be payed to secondary data collection?

Electronic Marketing Questions for Tuesday's Class 2/23

What are some of the benefits of direct mail compared to electronic means of marketing?

The main advantage that I immediately think of when considering anything that is personal or confidential is security. I feel as if one major advantage of direct mail is security. With electronic mail there are multiple ways that people could get into your account. It is also a lot easier for someone to open up one of your emails accidentally as often times emails are not addressed to a specific person but instead an email address which could easily be typed wrong. Also it is very easy to set up folders with email that automatically put mail you may not be interested in into a junk folder. With this being the case you may never reach your intended audience.

Bar codes seem so promising, but what are some of the possible concerns with their use?

There are many concerns with bar codes. First off they are difficult to implement. In order for them to be used many people will need something that is able to read these bar codes, and this will prove to be costly. This could be an expense that could take people a while to accept and in turn hurt companies that choose to use them. Also bar codes and the technology for them seems to target a younger audience that is more tech-savvy. Older consumers may not pick up on this type of marketing which could also hurt companies that rely on this audience for their sales.

Do you think e-marketing techniques will replace traditional forms of marketing?

I think e-marketing forms have already begun to take over traditional forms of marketing. Almost every company you go to in this day and age has their own website. Along with their website they offer opportunities to create accounts with them in which you can tally your purchases and earn points. These points then add up and you receive coupons directly via email. These companies also target which areas within the store you tend to shop in and give you coupons pertaining to those sections. I work in a store that offers the ability to sign up for a discount card and in the last 3 years the process has almost entirely switched over from looking up people by home addresses to now email addresses.

What are some other companies that would benefit from direct mail efforts, how would they benefit?

I think smaller companies could benefit from direct mail. I think this is the case because direct mail allows you to build a more personal relationship with your customers. A hand written letter shows your customers you are far more interested in them and concerned with their business than a mass email sent out to many. I think this could help them to build customer loyalty and in turn it could also give them a good perception which could lead to people spreading a good word about them and how they conduct their business.

What do you think about these articles, how do you prefer to be approached? Do you feel more apt to read a letter you receive in the mail or a letter you receive in your inbox?